Since 2001, Cormant has developed Cormant-CS, an IT infrastructure management solution for the data center and beyond (DCIM/ITIM), boasting customers on 5 continents, including multi-nationals from the banking, consulting, IT, travel, hotel, government, manufacturing, health and telecommunications industries. With real-time information visualization, Cormant-CS enables accurate, rapid decisions when planning/making infrastructure change by providing очень интересные туры в Дагестан a configurable, portable and trusted solution for monitoring and management of physical layer infrastructure, including power and data connectivity, in all areas where IT is present, ensuring information can be accessed wherever/whenever needed, as well as changes recorded wherever/whenever they are made.
Rake Narang: Is your social media managed purely in-house, by an external PR agency, or hybrid (i.e. in-house and PR agency)? Why?
Michael Phares: Our social media is managed purely in-house. We choose to keep our social media management in-house to retain control over the hyper focused messaging to a very intense niche market as well as to ensure the technical truthfulness of the messaging.
Rake Narang: Is your company’s social media a part time activity, or is it a core function that requires dedicated people and resources?
Barb Rentschler: It is a part-time activity contained within the overall marketing strategy of the company. However, it does require a dedicated person with dedicated resources to ensure that, as a part-time activity, the look and feel is akin to organizations with much larger marketing budgets.
Rake Narang: Should an organization with bad reputation ever use social media?
Barb Rentschler: Most definitely, yes. Social media can present the ideal opportunity to address negative stereotypes (or even the unfortunate earned negative impressions from mistakes) when done correctly by someone passionate about the company, yet sympathetic to the public perception and with proper parameters set to keep the reputation tracking positively forward and out of the shadow of the bad reputation. |
Rake Narang: What is an under-utilized social media outpost you see as ripe with opportunities?
Barb Rentschler: LinkedIn industry specific groups (both public and private) present amazing opportunities to connect with target audience leaders without the clutter of the big, normal social media outposts. |
Company: Cormant, Inc.
669 Pacific St., Suite D, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 U.S.A.
Founded in: 2001
CEO:Paul Goodison
Public or Private: Private
Number of Employees: 7 in North America, 22 in the PhiIippines, 1 in Europe, and 1 in Australia = 31
Products and Services: IT Infrastructure, Data Center Infrastructure, Network Infrastructure, and Connectivity Management Software
Company’s Goals: To be the industry leader in bringing business value to the otherwise costly world of network connectivity management and IT & Facilities infrastructure management in the data center and beyond.
Key Words: Data Center Infrastructure Management, DCIM, Data Center Management, IT Infrastructure Management, ITIM, IT Asset Management, ITAM, Network Infrastructure Management, Connectivity Management |